Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Wedding Bells are Ringing

*sound of trumpets sail throughout cyberspace*

Larana Leggasea and Benjamin Long-Leggasea
Cordially invite you to the Wedding of their daughter
Star Leggasea to Kennedy Ege

Date: Now
Time: Now
Location: The Leggasea Estate

Please, join us.

(As told by Me: The Controller ...)

The weather was glorious the day that Star Leggasea married her college sweetheart Kennedy Ege. Larana and Benjamin had spared no expense on decking out their property for their little girl's big day.

They even went as far as inviting the local fire precinct and the local repairwoman who was glad to attend the event.

(Author's note: In truth, the repairwoman went to fix something ... I think it was the trash compactor ... or the dishwasher ... and she not only electrocuted herself, but she set fire to the kitchen ... tsk-tsk-tsk.)

Benjamin wanted his daughter married in a church, so a church she would get married in. They built one right there next to the house. And it turned out just fine. I'm sure it will evolve with the generations (just like the house), but it will do for the first born.

The bride was grogeous in her imitation Vera Sim, and the groom was very dapper in his imitation Simani.

So many friends and family were in attendance. It was so great to see Star's mother and father, and her sister Aurora. Lisa Creelman was Star's Maid of Honor. Other family friends were in attendance as well, and everyone was excited to be part of this event.

Don't they both look wonderful? Both are so very excited to be taking this next step in their whirlwind relationship. And I for one can't wait to see what happens next.

If everyone would please be seated, we can begin the ceremony.

The bride and groom have decided to recite statements of their love to one another before we get into the traditional stuff. Shh. Let's listen ...

Kennedy: Star, before we met Cupid had given me up for dead. I'd been in relationships in the past, but nothing deep, and nothing lasting.

But when I met you, Cupid shot a turbo-charged arrow straight to my rapidly beating heart.

Star: Ken, knowledge is very important to me. It became too important, and one day I found that my life had begun and I was missing it. Then societal pressure began to rear its ugly head, and I found myself on a spree to find someone ... with no luck. Then when I least expected it, you walked into my life.

And I'll be forever grateful to you for taking that walk.

It looks like our bride and groom have finished their statements. Not a dry eye in the place. Look at Star's mother. Doesn't she look lovely? And Aurora looks so proud of her sister.

And oh look! Members of the {CENSORED}. ;O) But doesn't Star's father look wistful?

Star and Kennedy only have eyes for each other though.

Ladies and gentlemen, the bride and groom are finished with their statements. I will now begin to with the tradiational portion of the ceremony.

We are gathered here today in sight of The Creator (me) to witness the joining of Star Leggasea and Kennedy Ege in simmish matrimony. Who gives this woman to this man?

Benjamin: Her mother and I do.

Star, do you take Kennedy to be your simfully wedded husband to have and to hold from this day forward, in sickness and in health, through your trials and tribulations, until the Grim One cometh?

Star: I do.

And do you, Kennedy, take Star as your simfully wedded wife to have and to hold from this day forward, in sickness and in health, through your trials and tribulations, until the Grim One cometh?

Kennedy: I do.

Then let us exchange the rings ... Star, please repeat after me: With this ring, I thee Wed.

Star: With this ring, I thee wed.

Kennedy, repeat after me: With this ring, I thee Wed.

Kennedy: WIth this ring, I thee wed.

What I have created, may no sim, computer virus, hacker, spyware, or electrical surge put usunder. By the power invested in me as your Controller, I now pronounce you Mr. and Mrs. Leggasea.

You may kiss.

Don't the two of them make a lovely couple?

Just look how involved they are in their kiss.

Yup ... very involved ...

AHEM! It's time to cut the cake now. Star went with the chocolate cake with the white frosting. A wonderful choice if I do say so myself ... and I do.

Come on, everyone! You're missing the cake cutting!

Now ... the question Kennedy is probably asking himself is this: will she, or won't she, stuff cake in my mouth - thus smearing it all over my face?

Let's find out!

Awww! Isn't that the sweetest thing?!

Benjamin certainly thinks so. I think he likes Kennedy!

Now it's time for the fun stuff. Eating the cake ...

Toasting the bride ...

... who looks like she could use a backrub.
Weddings are exhausting.

Oh look! Benjamin is toasting the bride and groom. Let's listen to his words ...

Benjamin: Kennedy, I'd like to officially welcome you into the family. Star was a handful as a child, but was pretty self-sufficient. Don't let her hole up by herself. These Leggasea women have a FIRE in them. Don't let it go out!

Kennedy (blushing): Yes, sir!

And you, Star. You treat this man right! Golden anniversaries are lovely things you know. And I want grandkids!

Star: Yes, daddy. :O)

To the Bride and Groom!

Ah yes. The traditional dance. *smile* Don't they look lovely together. All the romance of this day will live on forever. :O)

And it looks like Aurora is pleased to have a brother-in-law. Isn't that special? Sisters who love one another and like each other's intended. Sweet!

Oh! It looks like Lisa Creelman (Maid of Honor) would like to propose a toast to the happy couple!

Lisa: Star, I wish you and Ken all the luck in the world. You guys are going to make beautiful babies, and I can't wait to see them!

To Star and Ken!!

Be happy, you guys.

Oh, they will be, Lisa. I'll make sure of it.

Looks like these guys had a rockin' good time at the wedding party. Still not a roof-raiser, but still pretty great. I'm pleased.

And now for the honeymoon!

Ah. Benjamin would like to have the "father-daughter" talk with Star before she goes.

Benjamin: Star, I wanted to let you know that I'm so very proud of you. You're a college graduate and now you're married. I know that I wasn't always the greatest father in the world, but I love you, baby girl.

Star: Oh, Daddy ... :O)) I love you, too!

Looks like Larana and Benjamin had a little wedding gift hiding in front of the house!

Star is so excited that she's practically FLYING!

Enjoy your honeymoon, you two!

And time passes ... as it usually does ... and our honeymooner are back from their two weeks of wedded bliss on the cruise that Star's parents bought for them. Don't they still look blissfully happy?

And what's this? Haven't they had ENOUGH?!

I guess not!

But these two are so in love. You can tell by the flowers and the personal photos.

Love is a many splendored thing!

And these two couldn't agree more!

Is it time to make a baby now?

Ooh! I guess it is!

I wonder if it worked. I know that even though Star is a knowledge sim, she wants a baby with Ken.

And Ken wants children ... I know that much.

Two sims who go so well together SHOULD have kids.

Can't you just FEEL the love?

They're gonna be great parents ...... somday. ;O)

And that was the wedding! I hope you all enjoyed the birds-eye-view of the festivities and the ... after show. ;O)

Did they make a baby?

I dunno. Guess you'll have to come back later to find out!



At December 23, 2005 10:29 AM, Blogger AeronwyDiobhell said...

Fantastic chapter! The wedding was definitely worth the wait. I'm sure the sight of their beautiful children will be equally worth the wait. ;-) I'm glad Star had such a fantastic day. *cheers*

At December 23, 2005 1:24 PM, Blogger Just Moi said...

Oh such a tease I'm guessing a baby was made got to keep the legacy going tee-hee

At April 24, 2006 9:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kennedy reminds me of someone....**thinks**

I just thought I'd pop by to see if I had missed any updates!! Where's the rest of this woman??


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